Enrich your videos

The average internet user has more and more bandwidth / data at his disposal. It makes the possibilities more and more extensive. For example, streaming video is no longer an issue. That’s great because video is a very effective medium for giving an impression of the atmosphere or to show the functioning of a service / product. But … it can be even better!


Explorit with video background

Explorit offers the possibility to use video as a basic background. What does this have for added value? A video clip will be enriched with extra possibilities. You create an extra layer on the video where hotspots with information or interaction appear at chosen moments. Think for example of:
– Let windows appear during playback to give an explanation.
– Pause a fragment at a chosen time of the video to give a question or assignment.

Is is difficult? No!

The great thing is that you do not need enormous technical knowledge for this. Another advantage is that you can leave the video undisturbed, you do not have to use video programs to add texts or images to videos. It is accessible in an easy way via the online environment of Explorit. A video (from YouTube, for example) is used as the basis for this. Then you get started to provide the video with hotspots.


Watch a demo

Or watch it in a new window.

Are you interested? Feel free to contact us!
+31 (0)561 614 523
